Too Curious
Jul 26, 2008
Achelois: “Where are you from?” Again
I often get asked that question in an innocent manner here in Canada. After they're satisfied with the answer, the usual follow up is, "Are you a Muslim?"
They're perplexed. "Hmm. Christian?"
Total confusion. Then, I kid you not, "What are you!?"
With a devilish smile, "I'm nothing."
You're a free man.
Take a bow.
Posted by: E. Nigma | Jul 27, 2008 at 04:55 PM
Sounds like if you have to have a label, it's probably "agnostic". But you don't have to have a label, of course.
Etymology lesson, because I can't help it. It's "atheist", a-the-ist, no-god. "Theos" being Greek for "god".
Posted by: Laura(southernxyl) | Jul 28, 2008 at 07:38 PM
Spelling fixed. Thanks. My Typepad editing window had even underlined the word but I didn't catch it.
Agnostic? That label doesn't fit either. Strangely, I've always believed in a Grand Architect. I just don't think that he had a, direct or indirect, chat with a fellow named Muhammad.
So, the proper label is a deist.
Posted by: Isaac Schrödinger | Jul 29, 2008 at 02:48 AM