Apostate Replies
Jul 08, 2008
Here is her initial post.
I posted about that here.
Her reply to my post: Can't take the Paki out of the boy.
She starts off with this:
Isaac Schrodinger, another fellow Pakistani apostate who didn’t lose his sexism when he lost his Islam
Readers can view my writings and make their own judgments about the validity of that statement. Though, I did find her statement quite rich.
Recently, she posted these lovely remarks:
I tell you, I fucking HATE men. I’ve said it before on this blog - twice, if I recall - and I’ll say it again: I hate men.
I guess it's true: one can't take the sexism out of certain Pakistanis.
Getting back to her reply:
They don’t even pretend to think women are equals. Then they ascribe their sexism to factual reality. Then they turn around and declare Islam’s misogyny is a reason to leave it. It’s really lovely.
Of course. Leaving a religion where women are treated as slaves should mean that I ought to see phantom sexism in the choices made by women in the West -- choices that lead to gender imbalances in fields like psychology (more women) and physics (more men).
Hey, Isaac? Feel free to stop reading this “train wreck” at any point. I won’t miss you. After all, I never read your blog, because I find your wingnutty views ridiculously silly.
I am just not "Paki" enough for her.
"They don’t even pretend to think women are equals."
No, darlin', we just don't pretend that YOU are equal.
I've met many very intelligent, strong, self-motivated women, some of whom were (dare I say it?) SUPERIOR to me in many ways. You, on the other hand, are little more than a spoiled brat.
Here's your problem, laid out in point form:
1. You're clearly lacking in the "intellect" department. Every time I've seen you enter a battle-of-the-wits, you've come to the field unarmed.
2. I've never seen what you look like, but judging by the massive chip on your shoulder you're probably about as attractive as the Soviet-era East German womens shotput team (except, possibly more hairy?).
3. To top it off, your personality is abrasive enough to turn away even the most desperate male. If I had to either be in your presence for roughly 5 minutes, or run my dick over a cheese-grater, it would be a difficult choice.
Now, there's not much you can do about the first 2 points. You've got what you were born with, and that's pretty much that. You can try dressing better, and maybe using your ears a bit more often than your mouth, but otherwise you're pretty much stuck with what you've got.
On the other hand, personality can sometimes more than make up for those flaws. That right there is your biggest problem. So here's a suggestion: try acting like a reasonable, polite, and moral human being. Maybe if you make some progress in that department, men AND women will start to treat you like a real person. Until then, don't be surprised when people treat you like an unwanted dog.
Posted by: Alex | Jul 08, 2008 at 07:33 PM
I stopped reading Apostate's blog when I realized she had not so much left Islam as joined its breakaway sect of Later Day Moonbats. I think it took a couple of posts. While I admire all with the bravery, both practical and intellectual, to leave Islam, the transition does not seem to have expanded her ability to assess the thoughts of those she disagrees with, without attributing comfortably nefarious motives to the opponent.
Posted by: Saul Wall | Jul 08, 2008 at 09:56 PM
It doesn't occur to her that, since the left are apologists for radical Islam, the rest of what they say and believe might not be quite correct, either.
Posted by: Jim C. | Jul 08, 2008 at 11:12 PM
Cut her some slack, guys. She is young (25, and btw, Saul, quite cute
) and has just come through probably the most traumatic experience of her young life. She is justifiably angry at her past situation, and is dealing with it in a constructive although not perfect way. Her writing voice is clear, concise, and to the point; she is not angry at everybody personally, only at the way the world is holding her back. I was pretty angry at that age too, and with less reason. Don't take it personally. She is putting herself out there in a brave and raw way, and we can learn from her; it is shameful to try to stifle such a pained, courageous voice.
Posted by: Bruce Dearborn Walker | Jul 08, 2008 at 11:34 PM
You are either the most sarcastic commenter I have seen this month, or the most sycophantic person I have seen toward any woman with a grievance this side of a Take Back the Night rally.
Posted by: MikeT | Jul 09, 2008 at 07:32 AM
Idiots like this one will never understand what it does to women in general in these fields when you get into a 300-level Computer Science (or other technical subject) class and have a girl literally whine and cry that she shouldn't have to remember all of the basic details she learned as a freshman. Do the girls descend on them like a pack of wolves the way the guys would in one way or another? Of course not. When you combine that with other behaviors like girls trading favors of all sorts in exchange for help on their homework and projects, you open a pandora's box WRT professional respect.
Technical fields are notoriously meritocratic, and women who buck up and deal with it are treated quite well. In fact, they tend to find that far from there being a glass ceiling, there's a "glass floor" that prevents them from going back down.
Posted by: MikeT | Jul 09, 2008 at 07:40 AM
Why is she so open about her apostasy? She has published her photo. Isn't he exposing herself.
Posted by: Tambi Dude | Jul 10, 2008 at 04:49 AM
Actually, Mike, I am used to working with people with PTSD (I work with a lot of combat veterans). Man up; it's not like she's at your throat with a knife. It's just electrons on a screen.
Posted by: bruce dearborn walker | Jul 11, 2008 at 09:07 PM
I have to admit, she has really been going off on one recently. For example, I really don't get the whole hating men thing, it seems to me that hating someone for having a different arrangement of chromosomes is on par with hating someone for being a certain race, being born in a certain country, having an accent or hating someone because of who their parents are.
It is clear she has failed to truly escape sexism.
Posted by: Thorne | Jul 14, 2008 at 12:21 PM
This, coming from Mr. "Let's Share Her Pain."
Posted by: MikeT | Jul 14, 2008 at 01:25 PM