Oh, The Oppression!
I Wouldn't Live There

Another Loser of Islam

The National Post via LFG:

Naeem Muhammad Khan wants everyone to "Support Our Troops," but he's not talking about the Canadian Forces in Kandahar.

From his apartment in Toronto, Mr. Khan has been posting messages on the Internet calling Osama bin Laden a "hero" and "champion of Islam."

How patriotic.

In his online postings, Mr. Khan calls Tarek Fatah, Irshad Manji and other moderates "apostates," and says that under Islamic law, the punishment for apostasy is death. The same goes for those who insult Islam.

"Behead her!!! And make a nice video and post it on YouTube," he writes about one "Islam basher." As for "Jews who support Zionism and Israel … since they are killing Palestinians … killing them is not bad … they deserve to die."

At least he doesn't sugarcoat the teachings of his faith.

Mr. Khan said he was angry when he wrote these and did not mean anyone harm.

He's an ace at taqiyya too!


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