American Oppression
Apr 19, 2008
American women need help. They are so victimized that they suffer themselves to be treated like objects and toys, desiring no change. Their false consciousness prevents them from criticizing their situation. They should aspire to be protected rather than exposed, clothed rather than stripped naked for every purchaser. They should expect to be given privacy from the hunter-male gaze.
We have to liberate them. We have to let them know that their way of life is evil at its core. Years of subjugation and conditioning have rendered them incapable of desiring something better. We have to empower them to hate their civilization, their culture, their people, their norms of gender and sex.
It's supposedly satirical.
Unfortunately, this sounds a lot like how many Muslim women openly talk about western culture WRT women.
Posted by: MikeT | Apr 20, 2008 at 09:07 AM