Rising Up Against the Religious Thugs
Feb 26, 2008
It happens every day on the streets of Tehran: a police squad grabbed a young woman for dressing immodestly. But this time, the young woman fought back, and a crowd defended her and attacked the police. Thanks to cell phone video, the Internet, and brave Iranian citizen reporters, Ardeshir Arian is able to tell the story.
Link via Kamangir.
Seems like Solzhenitsyn told a story about a woman who was arrested on the street. They had a Black Maria ready to throw her into. She wrapped her arms around a lamppost or something and screamed her head off. People came running and the police drove away. But then she went home that evening and they took her away in the middle of the night.
And he wondered why everyone submitted to the arrests and their neighbors disappearing ... he thought that if people had sat up at night in the hallways and stairwells of their apartment houses armed with knives and axes the reign of terror would have ended long before it did.
Posted by: Laura(southernxyl) | Feb 26, 2008 at 06:43 PM