Darth Vader is a Muslim!?
Free Speech in Short Supply

The Mainstream Umma

Muslim Matters: Tarek Fatah (and…) Does NOT Represent Me: Muslims 101 for Media.

The author is complaining that the "Muslim" commentators that the media presents are too liberal. Thus, they don't represent the Islamic mainstream. For example:

I am sick of Tarek Fatah’s tirades, the Communications Director of the fringe organization Muslim Canadian Congress. The fact is that most of his positions are outright unIslamic and unrepresenting of the vast majority of Muslims. For instance, his organization endorsed same-sex marriage, campaigned against Islamic family courts, and pretty much came out on the wrong side of every mainstream Muslim opinion. So, WHY, does any of the media give ANY credibility to this tiny group of fringe nut-cases?

The media seems to be putting a smiley face on the harsh, retrograde thinking of the Muslim majority.

More on who doesn't represent the Muslims.

the entire slew of Islamophobic wolves who donned sheep’s clothing for the so-called “Muslim manisfesto”, provide an EXCELLENT reference list of the NOTs. ‘Aqoul nicely summarized the effort as ultra-liberal, pretentious rhetoric delivered by self-proclaimed moderate Muslims. The list includes the illustrious Muslim-bashers such as Ayan I-only-lied-to-get-asylum Hirsi, Salman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen, Ibn Warraq and other islamophobes.

I agree. The folks mentioned do not represent the Muslim mainstream.

Who represents mainstream Muslims then?

Many. Find someone at CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MAS, TDC.

Okay. Let's see what one of these mainstream Muslims has to say on the topic of stoning someone for adultery. (Link via LFG.)

Paul writes:

If, within the saftey of a Western Liberal Democratic state these people can't come out and openly condemn barbarism ... and all they have to offer are slick ducks and dodges ... imagine what their position would be if they were functioning from within an America where Islam held a plurality.

"She didn't commit adultery? Stone her anyway!"


Muslims Against Sharia

Most of the Western Muslim establishment is comprised of Islamist groups claiming to be moderates. True moderate Muslims reject Islamic supremacy and Sharia; embrace religious equality and democracy.

What is a moderate Muslim? According to a dictionary, a moderate is a person who is opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion. Yet, majority of the public seem to be struggling with the definition of a moderate Muslim. Perhaps we can make this task easier by defining a radical Muslim and then defining the moderate as an opposite of the radical.

Muslims Against Sharia compiled a list of issues that differentiate moderate Muslims from Islamic radicals. Hopefully you can help us grow this list.
http://muslimsagainstsharia.blogspot.com/ 2008/01/what-is-moderate-muslim.html

Poll: Who is a moderate Muslim?
http://muslimsagainstsharia.blogspot.com/ 2008/01/poll-who-is-moderate-muslim.html

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