You Shall Obey The Antlers.
All We Need is an Audit


Cafe Alpha

It's a shame that Barack Obama won't come out as a muratadd.

He may have been sheltered enough to be unaware or almost unaware of being a murtadd, but that does change the fact that Muslims would classify him as one.

This would be a teachable moment if Barack had the courage.

However I'm not convinced that the problem is just lack of courage - it may be lack of will. He may not care enough to want to help improve the lot of murtads, to fight for the liberalization of Muslims and Muslim society, or he may even be dripping with the phony-"progressive" paternalistic prejudice; that oh so liberal assumption that Muslims aren't capable of moral or civilized behavior so we should never mention that they fail to live up to it.

Cafe Alpha

Someone commented that Barack has been careful to claim that he wasn't raised Muslim and to make the unlikely claim that he's never been in a Mosque = the reason being that I guess there's a common interpretation where he can't be considered a Murtad unless he was at least for a time, raised Muslim, even if his father was Muslim. This implies that he knows exactly what he's avoiding.

If he makes president, Islamists all over the world will call him a Murtadd, and they'll go out and use him to recruit racists too.

Isaac Schrödinger

Obama's father was a Muslim. Therefore, by Islamic logic, he is a Muslim too. If he says otherwise, then he is a murtad. Case closed.

"If he makes president, Islamists all over the world will call him a Murtadd, and they'll go out and use him to recruit racists too."


Cafe Alpha

Well, if they kill him, that will be a teachable moment too.

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