Like a Virgin
Light Burns Them

Bollywood Scores in Pakistan

Pakistan has lifted the ban on Indian movies in cinemas.

The second commenter there says:

I hate f*&kers who are all about money and business and they will sell thier mother to the indians should it make them a bit of profit. (Not unlike the Jews some say)

Lovely. What's wrong with viewing a Hindi filim on the big screen?

This is a direct investment of your money into the Indian Arms Industry to make the bombs and the bullets and buy the jets to kill you with.

. . .


Josh Scholar

This is a direct investment of your money into the Indian Arms Industry to make the bombs and the bullets and buy the jets to kill you with.

Well now he knows how a infidels feels whenever they fill up their cars.

Saul Wall

"I hate f*&kers who are all about money and business and they will sell thier mother to the indians should it make them a bit of profit. (Not unlike the Jews some say)"

So I wonder who pays this Nazi guy's rent if he is not all about money and business.

I had no idea that Bollywood films were made by the Indian arms industry. Talk about not having a core market focus.

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