The Mindless Charge of Racism
Oct 19, 2007
During the week of October 22-26, 2007, right-wing and neo-conservative political forces led by the David Horowitz Freedom Center are calling for “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” events on campuses across the U.S.
If this event is coming to your campus or neighborhood - and even if it’s not - speak out against this racist assault on Muslims, Arabs, Arab-Americans, South Asians and anyone viewed as sympathetic towards those communities.
The funny thing is that Omeish never bothers to elaborate just how this awareness event is racist with respect to ... Muslims. Which race would that be? Omeish lumps in "Arabs, South Asians and anyone" into the group being assaulted. So, again, how exactly is it racist?
It's quite simple: David Horowitz and company are criticizing a religion and an ideology. Instead of putting up a counterargument, Omeish and his co-religionists cry like a girl and point to phantom races and racists.
Experience has taught them that "racist!" is the bludgeon that most reliably intimdates or silences an enemy. It seems to have pre-conscious effects; even when he knows better, the target is compelled by forces immune to rational thought to defend himself against the spurious charge, thereby deflecting him from what he'd set out to do.
Posted by: Francis W. Porretto | Oct 19, 2007 at 04:52 AM
True. It's the same concept with the "Islamophobic!" anvil.
Posted by: Isaac Schrödinger | Oct 19, 2007 at 05:09 AM