Bad Use of Velcro

Islam: Weak by Nature

[...] we are bombarded incessantly with propaganda about how highly Islam esteems the rights of women. No doubt it's intended to counteract the innumerable real-world citations of Islamic subjugation of women. The Qur'an and Sunnah make it plain that women are to be subordinate and subservient to men, are not to be permitted freedom of action or travel, may be beaten by their husbands for "disobedience," have no rights over the marital bond, and may not be relied upon as witnesses. The rationale? "Women are weak by nature."

Perhaps one must be weak-minded to marry a Muslim man. Judging from the non-performance of their civilizations, the weak-minded are certainly well represented within Islam.

The Curmudgeon Emeritus is so mean. And honest.


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