A reader emails this story:
Taxpayers should fund Islamic, Hindu, Jewish and other faith-based schools just like public and Catholic ones, Opposition Leader John Tory says.
If the Progressive Conservatives are elected Oct. 10, they will appoint former premier Bill Davis to lead a commission to figure out the best way to bring religious schools into the public system.
What a terrible idea.
The reader rightly points out:
Allowing various ethnic and religious groups to use government money to re-enforce their ghettos is just a non-starter for me, and I hope for many others in this province as well.
Count me in.
The reasoning by John Tory for this awful proposal is ridiculous.
Rather than divide students of different religions, public funding – and accountability – would bring them closer together, Tory said.
Public funding would bring them together!? These students would be divided on religious lines for years -- perhaps even a decade. How in heaven's name will that bring them together?
There are 30 Islamic schools in Ontario but many families who want to send their children to these religious schools can't afford the $5,000 to 7,000 per-child cost, said Mustafa Rawji, from the Islamic Society of North America.
"So we're happy to see that we'll be able to get the taxpayer money that is being channelled to the public schools right now," said Rawji.
If you can't afford education for your children, then don't have 'em. It's not the responsibility of society to pay for that. If you really want that precious Islamic education for free, then move to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, ...
Related matter: I've noticed that politicians are quite adept at exploiting such differences to their advantage. They don't care about the long-term, deleterious effects of such policies. Instead of asking for assimilation, they're content with separation.
To top it off, we will pay for it, in more ways than one.