Islam Allergic to Light
Not Scared

No More Bad

Reason on John Edwards:

Really, no matter his politics, if a presidential candidate actually achieves the access to fairy dust and children's wishes that Edwards seems to have we'd need to take a hard look at him. If he loses, what if he decides to use the Avada Kedavra curse on us?

We'd be scarred for life.

A real plan:

Edwards told the gathered audience that the second half of his presidential term would be devoted to a $125 billion effort to supplant the abolished bad things with good things, such as flowers, the laughter of children, butterflies, sunny days, financial stability, Skittles, and medicine.

Oooh, I can already taste the rainbow!



Unless the commercials are different in Canada, "Taste the rainbow" shoud be whispered, not shouted!

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