A Fish For One Dollar
Iranian Sex Scandal

The Small Bigots

Kashmiri Nomad:

It should come as no surprise to even the most comatose of observers that there are people in this world who do not like Muslims or Islam. From even a cursory examination of the blogosphere using Technorati and Google Blog Search a plethora of weblogs can be found when one searches using terms like Islam or Muslims. The general thrust of these weblogs is to expose the "violent, terrorist, expansionist and imperial" nature of Islam and by extension Muslims.

Quite right.

One of the primary foundations upon which anti-Islam bigots build their hatred of Muslims is that the fact that Muslims are engaged in struggle to destroy western civilisation. This civilisational conflict is being played out on two fronts. The first front is composed of Muslims trying to attack the west from outside. The second front is composed of Muslims resident in the west trying to destroy it from the inside. Is this representation true of all Muslims? For the anti-Islam bigot it most certainly is an absolute truth.

[Emphasis mine.]

The Nomad is very adept at (a) building the most succulent strawmen one can find and (b) abusing the language till the meaning of words is inverted.

I am not aware of a single weblog that claims that all Muslims support the violent nature of Islam. It's The Nomad who conjured that up. This kind of strawman has been used before.

It is true, though, that many sites have sprung up over the past few years that detail the odious nature of Islam and the support of a majority of Muslims for said nature. (You're reading one such site.) This isn't merely an opinion: majorities of Muslims do think that sharia should be enforced in every Islamic society in the world. The Taliban era is actually a role model for them!

That is why increasing numbers of Westerners are opposing gender apartheid, restriction of free speech, religious discrimination and the killing of homosexuals -- all the things that are the essence of sharia.

For this, they are called "bigots".


Saul Wall

Until the opinions of a majority or large fraction of Muslims become unanimous no one should call attention to them or they are bigots. It does not matter how dangerous the views are, if they are not unanimous they are not worth talking about. I think I am beginning to follow the thought process.

Isaac Schrödinger

"Until the opinions of a majority or large fraction of Muslims become unanimous no one should call attention to them or they are bigots."

Which, in effect, means we should never call attention to them. We ought to be a society of ostriches!

Saul Wall

Are ostriches halal?

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