Unfree Speech
Rage Against the Infidel


Josh Scholar

The Cosmo version will be an article entitled "5 sex techniques that will make your man forget all about the 72 virgins"

Isaac Schrödinger

There's more than 1 sex technique?

Josh Scholar

The Saudi version of Cosmo rejected the fashion article "Hot Burkas for Summer!" on the grounds that it was redundant - all burkas are hot in the summer.

Ba dum bum!


"There's more than 1 sex technique?"

YIKES! It appears you've missed out on the more important aspects of western culture. I'll have to introduce you to some of the girls I know....

Saul Wall

"YIKES! It appears you've missed out on the more important aspects of western culture."

There's a lot of that going around these days. :-(

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