Leaving Islam
No Joy For Joy


Josh Scholar


The great thing about religion and, even more so, self-styled "spirituality", is that it allows really stupid people to blow their egos up as much as they want and troll for attention.

Our episcopalian female-imam is the same sort who simply declares that she's a prophet.


I think the ECUSA is jealous of the PCUSA so they try to out do the PCUSA in being more PC. The best explanation I have seen is that these guys/gals are all their own "Gods" and whatever they feel is true must be the absolute TRUTH for them.

At least Muslims get their warped ideas by honestly believing a seriously warped religion started by a homo-killing,mass-murdering,rapist and pedophile and trying to make sense of Mohamed's example as being the highest example of human behavior ever. At least they don't have any of that touchy feelly crap about "i feel it must be true."

I have a lot more sympathy for the poor bastards who start out stuck with Mohammad's lies than people like this who's minds are so open any and all sewage just flows on in.

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