ICC World Cup - 2nd Semi-Final
Violating Allah's Boundaries

Imus and ElBayly

Clayton Cramer provides perspective:

ElBayly does not seem to have crossed the line into directly saying that someone should kill Hirsi Ali, so I guess that he hasn't actually broken any laws--but compared to what Don Imus said, this is far worse. And you won't hear a word about it from the usual screeching heads on television.

No matter how vehemently one criticizes Imus, he won't respond by cutting their head off.


Josh Scholar

"She has been identified as one who has defamed the faith. If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death,"

If he opines that God made those laws (and I'm sure he has, many times), then in my opinion he definitely crossed the line.

When you say, "God wants us to kill person A" in the context of a religion where these killings are quite often done by individuals with the support of religious leaders rather than by the state then you are 100% guilty of incitement to murder. In fact I would go a step further and say that you are guilty of conspiracy to murder.

Josh Scholar

Let me be clear, he said these things in front of an audience, not in a private conversation.

Guilty as hell!

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