Leopard 2 for the Canadians
Some Kidnappings Are More Equal Than Others

Confused Canadians

Liam O'Brien excerpts some comments from this page where many ignorant and dense Canadians can't seem to support a democratic nation that once stood alone against the vilest evil of the 20th century over a totalitarian regime that has no concept of human rights*.

He comments on his blog:

[...] apparently the "anti-war" movement is often filled with people who would gladly accept torture, genocide, murder, beatings and kidnappings of innocent civilians as well as an end to democratic freedoms they themselves would never want to lose, provided it all happens to somebody else. Apparently all those things are still preferable to "war." I'm just glad our grandparents' and great grandparents' generation didn't think like that. There'd be a lot fewer jews in the world, a lot less democracy, and a lot more authoritarianism. . .

* July 19, 2005: Two teenagers were hanged in Iran for the alleged "crime" of being gay.

Teenagers Executed



Isaac Schrodinger,

This website has more photgraphs of hangings that you can include on your website. http://www.liu.edu/cwis/CWP/library/african/2000/lynching.htm

Isaac Schrödinger

That's alright, Randall Jones. In a conversation about modern-day America and the modern-day Iranian regime, talking about what few individual Americans did 50+ years ago, doesn't help your case.

This is also rich considering the fact that for one billion people the role model is a 7th century clown.

The imperfect West today is living in the 21st century. How about trying to emulate it?


Isaac Shrodinger,

You are sadly mistaken,it was not a few.it was thousands that were lynched, not only by hanging but also by drowning, shootings, and beatings.

Why doesn't America want the same freedoms for other countries that it has for its citizens? Read this review of the book "All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror"


Also, I suggest you read the article at


about how the United States instigated and fueled the Iran-Iraq war and sold weapons to both sides of the confict.

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