What the ....
Can The Jews Get A Chocolate Moses?

The Mysterious "Boudaries"

Anonymous left a comment in this post.

How cud u show such cartoons ? First let us see what is freedom.. Freedom means to do anything within certain laws and rules. Like in americs i am free, this does not mean i can run around the city nude. so i am bound to follow certain rules.

That is correct.

The same way freedom of speech does not mean u insult other peoples belief.

Really? Which law states that?

If that were true, comedians would be out of business.

The proof is that when the muslims showed posters of the pope gone mad & other bad stuff about the pope the christians became angry.

Becoming angry with a certain behavior does not imply that said behavior is illegal.

So where is this freedom of speech ??? Where is this freedom eh ?

I don't know, I lost the address.

Freedom goes with boudaries. you cannot insult any religon. It is a grave sin. This applies to both christians & muslims & normal moral & ethical values.

Not true. Just because x number of people believe something doesn't mean that their beliefs are outside the bounds of criticism.

Any belief can be challenged. If it really is sensible, then it can withstand the assault. If it is not, then it deserves to be put in the trash bin of history.


Josh Scholar

It's typical for Muslims to be illiterate of what makes a well formed argument, of logic, of law, of thinking and principles. They argue pure mush where it's obvious that the only criteria they're used to is that the results must be the predetermined one that casts themselves as innocent victims and everyone else as evil hypocrites. It's always the sloppiest sort of rationalization.

Josh Scholar

By the way, Mr. Anonymous left islamicpropagation.faithweb.com as his return address.

Josh Scholar

Not to say that other religions don't encourage rationalization.

Jews, with their emphasis on the Socratic method (arguing is encouraged), and thus willingness to disagree with each other, probably come the closest to real reasoning (as opposed to rationalization) in religious arguement. The use of the Socratic method may be why they do well in law and science.


"you cannot insult any religon. It is a grave sin. This applies to both christians & muslims & normal moral & ethical values."

Islam insults all other religions all the time. I hear Western apologists for Islam and Christians say this too.

An "insult" is an attempt to express contempt or to offend. The free expression of ideas demands that people be offended. When one feels that some belief or action - like idolizing a prophet to the point where you can not depict him or like demanding that others conform to your religious beliefs - is worthy of contempt, yet is being advocated as positive, one is either free to express their contempt for it or they have no freedom.

No one has an unconditional right to have their beliefs respected just because they have a right to their beliefs. It is interesting that few of the people who demand that their religion be protected from mockery have any problem with stereotypical jokes at the expense of atheists but that is a digression.

Let me end by saying:

Chocolate Jesus! As "shock art" it might be hackney, but I love saying the words.


I just went to check out islamicpropagation and my AntiVir beeped; they had tried to bug my machine. Be careful.

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