Holy Crap
Allah Knows Best

Compare and Contrast

Kashmiri Nomad:

Danielle Jones is English and up and till very recently a Catholic. After the death of close relative Danielle exchanged her min-skirt for a face veil and now wants to be called Safiyah.

That sucks.

The British newspaper The Sun carried her story but what I found really interesting about the piece was the reaction of some of the readers to the news about Danielle's conversion. Not for them are kind words regarding freedom of religion and supporting the rights of this individual to worship God as she likes rather the tone of the contributors is one of condescending ridicule.

"Freedom of religion" and "ridiculing the choice" are two different things. It's asinine to think that one can only be pro-choice with regards to religion if one supports every belief system.

By the way, the language in question is quite mild. I wonder what the "tone" would be like towards those who convert to Christianity or Judaism in Muslim-majority nations...


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