The Mysterious "Boudaries"
A Message for Muslims

Can The Jews Get A Chocolate Moses?


Perhaps I have no call to respond to the “My Sweet Lord” story making the rounds all over the city (that’s New York City, or Manhattan, to all you outta towners), since I am not a Christian or worshipper of Jesus Christ, but I can say one thing, as a member of the Tribe of Chosen Peeps...

I sincerely hope I don’t offend anyone, and pardon me for pointing out the facts here, but the Jooooish people, for the past few thousand years, have been putting up with some of the most insane and idiotic bullshit that no one person, group of people, city, state, or nation should ever know from. Pour yourselves a glass of Manischewitz and make your tucches right at home, because I’m about to elaborate.

Oh, does she ever.


Josh Scholar

All this talk of chocolate has gotten me hungry.

Suppose I go to the store, take home a piece of chocolate and attempt to carve it in the shape of some long dead deluded prophet. Here's the theological question for the day:

How good of an artist do I have to be before I'm guilty of blasphemy?


Here's the theological answer of the day.

Your guilt has nothing to do with how good an artist you are. Your guilt, if any, has to do with your intentions.


Having read Erica's post, I have to say that I am unimpressed by the argument "I have to put up with X, so you should have to put up with Y." I thought the same when Muslims who expressed distress at the Mohammed cartoons (without rioting or acting a fool) were told that Christians have to put up with stuff so they should just get over it. I thought that if I were a Muslim I would think, "Maybe you don't have any backbone but I do."

I think it kind of trivializes the Holocaust to compare Jews' sufferings to a chocolate Jesus. Her argument would have done a lot better to leave that out. There are those who deny or even defend the Holocaust, but those Christians who are likely to object to a chocolate Jesus are the very ones who are least likely to do that.

I personally don't carve or spraypaint swastikas, etc. or do any of that other stuff, so if I want to dislike the idea of my religion being disrespected, I actually feel entitled.

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