The Asininity Never Ends
Blame the Sun!


Josh Scholar

Can I just say, "holy fucking shit!"

You know, I've been picking up that "we want to kill you all, so badly" vibe since the first day started reading middle eastern sources (papers, speeches, educational material, sermons etc.)

Scares the fuck out of me. The ignorant shits didn't learn anything from the 20th century and they're going to make us repeat it over again, this time with much worse weapons... I don't know what shape the world is going to have in a century or two, only that it's going to have big holes in it that it doesn't have now.

The only sane response to living in the middle east is to get the fuck out now, before it blows up.

Isaac Schrödinger

"The ignorant shits didn't learn anything from the 20th century and they're going to make us repeat it over again, this time with much worse weapons... I don't know what shape the world is going to have in a century or two, only that it's going to have big holes in it that it doesn't have now."

It's an ironic reality: our very compassion and overwhelming desire to be nice (or non-offensive) encourages them.

This leads to the unavoidable conclusion: war between the two is inevitable regardless of whether we choose to fight or not.

Josh Scholar

You know this is a downer.

Could use some livening up

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