A Slave of Allah
Dec 17, 2006
A rant from Izzy Mo:
... the Glenn Becks of the world would prefer something else but his show is proof that a large portion of sheltered, culturally-deficient, privileged, “why learn about other cultures?”, ignorant, rich, White people are wigged out by the colored people moving into the suburbs and of their kind becoming an even smaller minority.
Yeah, the problem with Muslims is their... skin color. Note the rarefied assumption: Muslims come in one defined shade.
I can only make a feeble dua that the tide turns and that God offers the American people just one last chance to take this country back from the greedy and insipid leaders who are running things. I know one day, and I may see this in my lifetime, the Palestinians will have self determination and statehood. The Iraqis and Afghanis will have control over their own lands, governments and livelihoods and some brave soul will charge the current administration for crimes against humanity. Goodness, if Clinton can be impeached for having an affair, what punishment is strong enough for a man who lied to his people and sacrified their sons and daughters for oil profits?
A few points:
- When, in the pre-Bush era, did the Afghans and the Iraqis have control over their destiny? It's amazing to see such bleeding-heart Muslims who're all for freedom only in the lands where the Americans are trying to provide the people exactly that! As for the Iranians, Syrians, and the people of Saudi Arabia: Drop dead.
- Clinton was impeached for lying under oath.
- What exactly were those lies that Bush told the American public?
- Stop denigrating the US troops. They're not being sacrificed. They volunteer and believe in their mission. They are willing to die so that ungrateful, cynical, and small-minded citizens like you can freely spew garbage without being beaten by the state police or put in a dungeon.
There are at least two other points to be made. Concerning oil profits, it was France, Russia, and the UN who were making tidy oil profits by dealing with the monster Saddam, and the US who refused to play ball.
Concerning "why learn about other cultures", that is rich comedy coming from a Muslim.
Posted by: pwyll | Dec 17, 2006 at 09:57 AM