Repression in Bahrain
Mischievous Siberians

Imam Supports Murder of Fellow Citizens

More on the "women are meat" imam via Tim Blair:

Taj Din al-Hilali has praised militant jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling them men of the highest order for fighting against coalition forces - which include Australian soldiers - to “liberate” their homelands.

In an interview on Arabic radio two weeks ago, the imam based at Sydney’s Lakemba mosque said he was opposed to terror attacks in Madrid, London and New York but strongly endorsed fighters in the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Afghanistan.

[Emphasis mine.]

These treacherous sons of bitches say the most revolting things in their own language. The MSM ought to do more stories of this nature because the West needs to know the plain truth.

All they require is an expert translation.



You should go to to see a disgusting example of how "covered meat" gets treated in Egypt. Including niqabis. Including pregnant women. Your blood runs cold.

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