How The Time Was Set
What The Blogosphere Has Wrought

Full Strength and Support

A little over 24 hours ago, I was stressed out. Now, I feel perfectly fine. It's amazing what words of support can accomplish. I don't talk about my situation in the offline world, so it's quite overwhelming and heartening to see such kindness from so many commenters and bloggers.

A special thanks to Michael van der Galien for publishing the information at his blog, at the IBA, and at The Moderate Voice and for spreading the news and for getting an Instalanche! Thank you, Prof. Reynolds.

To the bloggers at:

You have my gratitude.


Always On Watch

Stay strong! You have many freedom lovers on your side.

Isaac Schrödinger

Thank you.


Just put up a post about your situation.
We'll be on the lookout for any articles
that can or may help you.

You've got Instapundit going to
bat for you too.

Isaac Schrödinger

I am working on a huge post. I'll put it up in the next 10-12 days.


you can pick up a lot of documentation on how apostates are treated at and lots of other sites

they will also send in affidavits for you

Isaac Schrödinger

I'll contact FFI about that.

Kim Priestap

I will be praying for you, Isaac. Hang in there.

Isaac Schrödinger

Thank you, Kim.


Here's the URL of an article on Annaqed that may be relevant to you:

Annaqed is an impressive site. They also have a large Arabic section, and I notice, a new chat forum.
Perhaps people there could provide you with more 'ammunition.' Good luck! We need people like you.

Isaac Schrödinger

Ahriman: Thanks for that. I will definitely use the hadith to put more light on my case.


Isaac, contact Danny Scot (Australian pastor & expert in Koran) at Catch the Fire Ministries. He is from Pakistan. He & Danny Nalliah have just defended themselves in the Supreme Court against villification charges.



Just to let you know I'm pulling for you. Hang in there.



I just wanted to express my support and gratitude for everything you do. You definitely deserve the refugee status.
I do have a silly question: how does someone from Pakistan get a name "Isaak Schrodinger"? The name sounds like German-Jewish. Is it a pen name? If so, why "Isaak Schrodinger"? I am just curious.

Isaac Schrödinger

Serik: Thank you.

Eric: Yes, it's a pen name.

In December 2004, when I was starting my blog, I couldn't decide on the name. I've deep respect for scientists, so, I looked around a few famous and obscure figures.

I like Feynman a lot (both the name and the great mind) but I didn't like the idea of blogging under the real name of another person. So, I hit upon a combination: Isaac Newton and Erwin Schrödinger. (I have a superficial connection with both.)

I liked the mix--so I called myself and my blog, Isaac Schrödinger.


There are many of us hoping you make it.
Nothing like the act of breathing Freely in this life!
Just hang in there.


Isaac, I would hope that you are welcome here. Bless you.

Ralf Goergens


the best of luck to you.

Did you get my email?

Isaac Schrödinger

Ralf Goergens: Yes, I did. Thank you.

Aussie Dave

Hang in there, mate

(sorry for the lack of comment until now; I just read the post)


As a responsible of Radio Zamaneh , a Iranian broadcasting service funded by the Dutch government , I have left my job since this radio doesn't agreed for a program of around table with the representatives of the comitee of ex-Muslims .
They are supported by corrupted Dutch politicians and will get 15 Million budjet to spreed Islam all over the world . Please help me if I'm still alive !
[email protected]

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