The Equal Distribution of Misery
The Old Formula

No Perspective

Graeme Douglas:

In a country such as Canada, it is impossible to grant one group possession of the absolute truth. By saying that one faith is absolutely right, the converse becomes true as well: that anyone who believes anything else is absolutely wrong.

I am not going to argue against having faith in your religion or even believing it to be the sole source of the ìtrueî answers. Most Canadians believe in one faith or another, and what I may think about any one of those faiths really has no relevance. The problem however, is when a person takes their faith from being a personal matter and begins trying to force it on other members of society.

Note that the writer is talking about religion and those who try to force it on others and yet he manages to avoid the 80 ton brachiosaurus. Though, later on, he sneakily fits in the "crusaders."

Do we let ourselves regress to some pre-enlightenment point, where church and state are no longer separate, where religious leaders form government policy instead of our elected politicians, and where one groupís beliefs are forced upon all?
No, we must rail against a descent back into the Dark Ages.

Which country does he bring up as an implicit example of this descent? Just read the last line. It's a killer!


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