Oozing with Peace
Aug 26, 2005
On more than one occasion I've come across odious leftists who've defended Palestinian suicide bombings on the grounds that the Palestinians are poor. Thus, suicide bombings is a legitimate means of fighting the heartless occupying Israelis.
Yeah, the Palestinians are so poor.
During my Freshman year of college [2002], I volunteered to represent the Israelis alongside an American [which of course had to be balanced] and 5 Arab delgations in a public forum. At one point the Palestinian delegation tried to tell me that because of Israeli gun control, the PA didn't have the firepower to reign in the groups.
First I told the story of the 15,000 M16s that the Israelis provided during Oslo, which wound up being used against them. Then I said that looking at Palestinian funeral processions, which often have more firepower than an American Army platoon, I don't think gun control is quite the problem. The PA representative didn't have a response to that one.
Posted by: Cutler | Aug 26, 2005 at 03:29 PM