The Condescension of the Left
Too Much Hair

Measuring Academic Laziness

I once wrote a small, kinda amateurish, research paper in which I discussed teaching efficiency. I used four factors for "measuring" the efficiency of a teacher.

  1. The salary of the instructor.
  2. The average grade of the class.
  3. The student evaluations.
  4. Peer review.

I put the highest emphasis on the peer review since it's the other instructors / professors who can tell whether one is really and vigorously teaching or simply passing out high grades for the sake of peace and popularity. So, one could have a high average grade from their class and super student evaluations but be *less* efficient when compared to another instructor whose class got a lower average grade and okay student evaluations.

Joe Sabia, an assistant professor of consumer economics, also talks about this idea in a column at FrontPage.


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