All They Need is Love
Hubba Hubba

The Heir of Communism

The Dinocrat provides an excellent post on the similarities between communism and Islamism:

Communism is a failed religion, but it is not dead. It lives on college campuses, fashionable salons, and among the very well heeled and those of a totalitarian disposition. Islamism is similarly doomed because no one will consent to live under Taliban-like totalitarianism, not even most Muslims. However, Islamism is precisely the crisis of Islam, since it flows from the religion’s founding documents, which claim to be literally the word of God. Sooner or later, the crisis of sharia will have to be faced.

I think we're in the intial stages of this crisis. It just hasn't reached critical mass yet. Will the Muslim World adopt Western culture or indefinitely export hatred and terrorists? We'll have the answer after the crisis is over.


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