Sexy or Tacky?
Sauron is Back, Again

Darth Rove

John Hawkins posts about the Dark Lord of the Republicans:

... the Democrats have already gotten more upset with Karl Rove than they are with the terrorists who are trying to kill Americans -- which, come to think of it, is pretty much the normal state of things.

Ouch. The man speaketh the brutal truth.

A similar reaction at Conservative Dialysis. J. M. Bergman reminds us again of the, ahem, overwhelming liberal support for the Afghan war.


Schummer and other Democrats are now demanding Karl Rove retract his comments. Let’s hope he tells them to ...

Find out what he says.

Finally, this post by Lorie Byrd is bursting with comments.

Update: The Instadude is most impressed with the Dark Lord.


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