Very Un P.C.
WI vs. Pak, 3rd ODI


Gordon Smith (R-Oregon):

“Until we have someone on the other side who is willing to say ‘Yes,’ we’re not going to continue to prostitute the American presidency to people who aren’t serious,” said Smith, one of six U.S. congressmen who attended the forum. “It’s a mystery to me why Arab countries can’t work on their own countries before Palestine is fixed,” he added.

[Emphasis mine]

I think this was meant for Abbus. Oh, as to fixing their own countries: they're all dictatorships. The long-term fix would be to have free market democracies. Question: how many dictators do you think want that to happen? Answer: zero. Follow up question: so, what's the outlet for all the anxiety and frustrations of these Muslims? Answer: the Western world.

Obviously, Islam is a superior religion/culture. Thus, the only way, it's performing so atrociously is because of the devilry of the JOOOS/Christians/Americans/Whites -- anyone non-Muslim. Israel is nothing but a scapegoat for these regimes. Hey, it has worked for over 5 decades. Why stop now?


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