The March of Liberty
May 26, 2005
Democratic advances, and popular rumblings, are making many people in this region [the Middle East] very, very nervous, and upset.
That is the price they have to pay for their virulent antisemitism and noxious anti-Americanism. Read the whole article for some choice comments by a few Arabs at the World Economic Forum.
Update: The above link is Part III. Here's Part I and Part II of Nordlinger's reports. Loved the comments by Bob Zoellick in Part II.
A quite trivial note: Remember pull tabs, the kind of thing we had on cans of pop — you pulled them out, then threw them on the ground, for people to step on, and for tires to get punctured by? Well, I hadn’t seen them in eons — and Jordan has them.
Ah yes, and so does Saudi Arabia. I've seen deformed pull tabs all over the place in that country.