I Agree
Meek? Weak? Nope

Politics, Ay

Even though I live in Canada, I don't follow Canadian politics; I'm more of a US politics junkie. However, the recent political scandals here have caught my attention. The mounting pressure practically forced the Canadian Prime Minister to make a live speech. Damian collects the many responses to that. Don't miss the last one from an honorary Canadian.

This column by Linda Williamson is quite damning. Again via Daimnation. After a long absence, the Conservatives might finally be voted in as the majority. Think about it: then Canada, the US, and Australia will have right-of-center parties in power. Add to that P.M. Tony Blair's unflinching support in WWIV. Almost the entire Anglosphere will, again, be fighting the evil of their time.

Here's hoping that New Zealand flips as well.


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