No Surprise
Apr 25, 2005
If a picture is usually worth a thousand words, the photographs of former Labour MP and friend of Saddam Hussein, George Galloway, now leader of the leftist multicultural party, Respect, cowering in his car while Muslim fundamentalists threatened his life and invaded a moderate mosque, were more valuable than all three party manifestos put together. For it was the latest sign of the impending divorce between multiculturalism and the cultural liberalism that has reshaped modern Britain. And that divorce will be a bitter one.
That useful infidel is of no use now and got what every infidel gets: a taste of the Religion of PeaceTM.
The Islamic Militants are too busy reading Sayyid Qutb and Ayman al-Zawahiri. If they were smart instead of stoopid they'd read Lenin and learn the value of "useful idiots". But as Napoleon said, when your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, don't interfere. If even someone like Gallagher gets nothing but a lynch mob, the militants may find that even the deepest wells of political correctness can evaporate.
Posted by: Lexington Green | Apr 26, 2005 at 08:57 PM