Economics Nincompoopery
Beware of Blog


This is rich:

I was reading an op-ed piece by Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post, and he began by quoting Jon Stewart, the comedian, who said, "We did it! We had the election. And now we can say to Iraq, 'Goodbye!'"

The words "We did it!" brought me up short. I thought, "What do you mean, we?"

It will be just like the Cold War, I think. George W. Bush and his allies will make progress in the Middle East, and then, with selective amnesia, those who fought Bush & Co. tooth and nail will say, "We, we, we." We liberalized Afghanistan, we liberalized Iraq, blah, blah, blah.

If it had been up to Jon Stewart and his ilk, that election in Iraq would never have taken place.

Indeed. I remember practically every night Stewart would bring an update from MESSopotamia. The soldiers would be shown as goofs and the military commanders as idiots. Abu Ghraib was shown as managed torture. President Bush and the Republicans were portrayed as lying war mongers. One of the most important battles of WWIV was opposed from the start by Stewart and most liberals. Yet, now that democracy has taken it's first step, no thanks to them, they quickly include themselves in the credits.

It's sad that people in my age group choose to get their political news from the Daily Show. Stewart represents hip liberalism to many students at my university here in Canada. Sigh.

Update: Glenn gets an email which states that Jon Stewart admitted to Fareed Zakaria that he opposed the war from the start but just doesn't know how to respond to joyous Iraqis. My suggestion: Jon Stewart should admit that he was consistently wrong for two long years and give the military and the C-in-C a little respect especially when the next battle starts.

By the way, the point about "We did it" still stands. Stop using the "we" because it's disingenuous. Glenn is right as to why they're using the "we".


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