To date, the American-led invasion of Iraq has resulted in the deaths
of more than 100,000 Iraqis and thousands of Americans.
[Emphasis mine]
I wonder where they got that bogus number from.
Aggressive U.S. policy against Iran and its plan to attack it, with
or without Israel's help, will further erode hopes for world peace.
Yes, of course, let's allow the Iranian government to get nukes. Ignore the fact that members of the Iranian government have vowed to completely destroy Israel with nukes. It's the US thats eroding world peace by standing between Israel and another holocaust.
The U.S. must offer Iraqis a definite withdrawal timetable and bring
young Americans home before the best years of another generation (as
during the Vietnam conflict) are lost. The pretense of protecting
Iraqis from possible civil war (i.e. from themselves) is weak and
unsubstantiated; American forces have shown they are helpless in
protecting their own ground troops.
[Emphasis mine]
Weak and unsubstantiated? I am sure that Zarqawi will be surprised to hear that. The Iraqi terrorists are primarily Sunni. Their goal for months has been to start a civil war. They failed miserably and credit should be given to the Allies. Instead the entire civil war issue is brushed away.
American troops are not helpless. When you have a kill ratio of more than 15-to-1, the word helpless doesn't come to mind.
Aggressive American policies in the Middle East are fueling
radicalism and extremism, thereby sabotaging the cause of peace with
You must be talking about the peace that reigned in the Middle East during the 80s and 90s. For example the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam gassing the Kurds, Iraq invading Kuwait, Iraq targeting Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel with scud missiles in 1991, bombing of the Khobar towers in 1995, boming of the USS Cole in 2000. By the way, there's also the stoning of women in Iran, the slaughter of Iraqis by Saddam after the Gulf War was over, the repression of Shia in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the repression of non-Muslims all over the Middle East, the beheading of alcohol smugglers and cutting off of limbs for stealing in Saudi Arabia.
If only the US had not implemented her aggressive policies after 9/11, the Middle East would have been like so unradical and super peaceful. Again:
Political, social and economic reform movements in all Middle East
countries are grinding to a halt because of the disruption caused by
U.S. involvement in their national affairs.
[Emphasis mine]
The US has only disrupted the national affairs of one country in the Middle East. How that stopped the, nonexistant, reform movements all over the Middle East is not explained. Their entire statement is a load of juvenile, ignorant, antisemitic, Islamist crap. Sadly, they're, for now, in agreement with the Canadian P.M.
Link via LFG.