Unholy Livingstone
The Utopian Myth

Images from Afghanistan

Major Curt Decker sends some pictures from Afghanistan to Power Line. The stylish image of the Afghani, on the right, in this pic is just priceless.

The jingle trucks are quite popular in Pakistan as well. The intricate design mixed with references to popular sayings of poets or verses of the Quran or references to God and Muhammed are the norm. For example, in the mentioned picture, I can see the word Allah in Arabic three times on the windshield. The entire human form is usually avoided in the designs (you're never going to see a painting of a supermodel). However, one can find a few paintings of Ahnuld and Stallone* since they're tough and muscular action stars. The most popular images, that I remember, are of tigers and eagles.

* Most Westerners will be surprised to know that there is a lot of love for Rambo in Pakistan or at least there was the last time I was there.


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