Moore Sadness

What Antisemitism?

The stunning call to ban all Jewish groups raised concerns of persistent anti-Semitism in Russia. ...

Gee, ya think. Via LFG.

Echoing anti-Semitic tracts of the Czarist era, the letter’s authors accuse Jews of working against the interests of the countries where they live and of monopolizing power worldwide. They say the United States “has become an instrument for achieving the global aims of Judaism.”

The ghost of Stalin lives:

...Jewish theaters and publishing agencies were exterminated, Committee members were arrested and shot, and a fierce state-wide anti-Semitic campaign began. Attacks in the press, persecution at work places — no method was too low. The famous “killer doctor” trials were the final strike against the Soviet Jewry, when a number of high-profile doctors were absurdly accused of conspiring to murder top government officials.


Cosmic X

"Via LFG."

You meant "LGF". :-)

P.S. Keep up the good work!

Isaac Schrödinger

I am aware that it's Little Green Footballs (lgf). I borrowed LFG from some website where idiots were discussing the infidel Charles. They referred to lgf as LFG!! Charles also linked to the site (I can't seem to find the specific post) and had a big laugh.

I simply use LFG to signify that I'm a long-time reader of lgf.

Thanks for the compliment and I hope that you enjoy the future posts.

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