What is Left?
Iraqi Expats Vote

The March of Freedom

Donald Sensing:

I'm going to put on my Amazing Karnak hat and make two predictions:

1. The terrorist attempts to break up the election won't do so and will be actually less violent than expected. In fact, I predict that election day will be a bonanza day for suppressing the terrorists through capture or counterattack.

2. When the above becomes known among Iraqis, Sunday evening and Monday will bring forth the most widespread celebrations among the Iraqi people seen since the downfall of Saddam. There will be dancing in the streets and brief period in which these newly liberated people will be drunk on democracy, for a day or two anyway.

30 . 01 . 2005: Simultaneously the best day for Iraqis and the worst for Zarqawi and his butchers. Many thanks to the brave Americans and the Coalition of the Willing.


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