Plane crash at Toronto airport II

Plane coming in too fast, crazy windy day, slight bank to the right, landing gear can't take the stress and collapses, and finally the momentum makes the plane flip. It's shocking that even a day later, there are no deaths.

The Enemy Within

Yeah, the primary issue has always been the traitorous political class of the West. To them, the low-IQ, economically burdensome, and culturally incompatible imported peoples of the East are not the problem. The problem is the no-good very-bad people like Martin Sellner who point out this ugly reality. That's why it's so oppressive to speak the truth but it must be done because the cost of lies is high.

No health care for you!

Jews and other assorted infidels are learning about halaal service the hard way:

Two NSW Health nurses have been stood down after video emerged showing them allegedly bragging about killing and refusing to treat Israeli patients.

The clip was shared by content creator Max Veifer speaking to a man and a woman, both of whom have been confirmed to be health workers from Bankstown Hospital in Sydney's south-west.

Where's the common sense car control?

Let's see what a proud paper-British Muslim has to say:

If only Germans were nice to 7th-century savages, then this terrorist attack wouldn't have happened. Do better, you very bad Germans, do better!

Flipping the tables

That's one of the best qualities of Trump. He understands the value of words and symbolism. That's why he was against the destruction of statues and the erasure of VERY BAD historical figures from American history. He knew that, eventually, all the main characters would be deleted because they were SEXIST, RACIST, XENOPHOBIC, etc.

Just look at the US currency. There are literal slave-holders on it!

Very Hot Power!

Why does Nvidia insist on one cable that can't handle all that power? That 150 degrees Celsius is a disaster waiting to happen. Forget the $3,000 graphics card and the power supply, it can take out a decent chunk of one's residence. The damage could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Imagine if children or pets get hurt. That's going to be one massive lawsuit. Just shockingly dumb behavior from a company worth $3 trillion.

For customers who want to use the 5090, a sensible option would be to limit the power of the GPU to 450-500 watts. The performance hit is worth the minimization of risk.

A fierce and loyal friend

The death penalty is the proper punishment for this crime:

Around 1:30 a.m. on Jan. 22, an armed man broke into Wahlers’ Calgary home, shooting him in the foot and through each leg. Wahlers’ Jack Russell terrier was shot in the head as he tried to protect his owner.

“There’s so much miracle stuff that happened, that I didn’t lose Zeus,” said Wahlers. “His strength carried me through … he came close to me and he guarded me while he was in that bad of shape.” [...]

“He never left my side,” said Wahlers. “He kept looking at me with his good eye and it was almost like he was saying ‘You good?'”

They both survived.

Robbing Americans to pay illegals

It's simple. They must face consequences if they're breaking the law. They think they can get away with it. Prove them wrong.


I was ten years old when the opening credits to Superman came on the TV channel. The visuals were mesmerizing. The music! It was the most gloriously optimistic piece I had ever heard. It's so perfect that without it, the last son of Krypton feels incomplete.

The God-Emperor has spoken

A grandfatherly figure who protects American girls from psychos:

Absolute shills

There was no secret about political access and corporate media gigs for the useful idiots of the Left. However, now there's no question that they were getting direct payments of tens of millions of dollars from the corrupt government. Having Trump re-elected meant the likely end of their gravy train. They were right! Now, their artificial and unpopular careers are over.

It's crystal clear that they are fake, immoral, and unpopular. They should be severely punished for robbing the average American.

Canadians are largely what!?

Canadians are largely conservative!? This guy is a comedian!

An overwhelming majority of Canadians are smug, ignorant, liberal, virtue-signaling clowns. Canadians voted for the Liberal party in the last three federal elections. Let's see what that got them in the past decade:

  1. A top marginal income tax rate that exceeds 50%. Oh, when you want to buy something, there's a sales tax that often exceeds 10%!
  2. A reduction in the tax-free investment amount for all Canadians. It was $10,000 per year. It was cut down to $6,000. So conservative!
  3. Importation of nearly 10 million foreigners. 33% of Canadian residents weren't born in Canada! Public transit congestion, crowded schools, years-long hospital waits, nepotism and fraud at workplaces, exploding crime, terrible traffic accidents, skyrocketing real estate prices ... CONSERVATIVE! Not to mentions, the cultural decay. Whites are openly and explicitly discriminated against on their own land while the gates are opened for filthy, scummy, low-IQ savages. Canadians don't have to travel thousands of miles to visit India because India has come to Canada.
  4. Handguns are banned. Shockingly, criminals refuse to follow this law. Also, knives, tasers, and pepper spray are off limits. Enjoy the die-versity!

What the fuck did these Canadian "conservatives" conserve?

Trump 2.0

I bet proponents of free trade have never imagined this scenario:

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio left El Salvador on Tuesday with an agreement from that country’s president to accept deportees from the U.S. of any nationality, including violent American criminals now imprisoned in the United States.

President Nayib Bukele “has agreed to the most unprecedented, extraordinary, extraordinary migratory agreement anywhere in the world,” Rubio said after meeting with Bukele at his lakeside country house outside San Salvador for several hours late Monday.

El Salvador crushed its crime problem and built impressive jails. Trump is simply taking advantage of that. Furthermore, this should act as deterrence to the budding hardcore criminals in America who treat prisons as hotels.

Only two weeks!

Trump 1.0 was a political newbie which was a blessing and a negative since he listened too much to the Republican creatures in the swamp. Now, he knows the game. He was almost murdered. Trump 2.0 will wield power for the benefit of his country. He is racing to cement his legacy. Mexico and Canada bend the knee in just two weeks! 

Canada talks a lot about "free" trade but then blocks foreign dairy, telecoms, and banks from operating within her borders. Trump is totally right in calling this out and threatening tariffs. Of course, those big, fat Canadian oligopolies are not happy with competition.

China and the EU are next.

Future doctors?

An astounding 17 pounds of fentanyl were recently seized during a traffic stop turned drug bust on the Trans Canada Highway near Swift Current.

Can you guess?

Officers performed a search of the vehicle, uncovering around 17.5 pounds of fentanyl hidden under the spare tire and subsequently arrested 28-year-old Kunwardeep Singh and 26-year-old Swati Narula from Calgary.

These Indians are simply doing the jobs that berry lazy Canadians don't want!